Hello, I'm Simona Cipriani. 

I have personally experienced and seen in my clients, the real benefits Pilates can offer. Helping my clients stay healthy, enjoying their career, their families, and their hobbies is so rewarding. My clients are able to travel, play with their children and grandchildren, have more energy for their sporting activities, and enjoy a long healthy life.

Most of all, I teach because I feel that we can all better our habits and benefit from additional guidance in making healthier choices. I also believe that children need better leaders and more role models of healthy teachers and parents.

My Story


As I young dancer I used to think that I would be dancing until I died. However, during my College years I struggled as I felt my dancing career was beginning to come to an end. My very first teacher and friend Maria introduced me to Pilates and even though I thought I was doing her a favor by letting her practice her teaching skills on me, I could feel there was something about the movement that brought me a great sensation of inner peace! Sweating and inner peace…it sounded like dancing to me! Very soon, with regular Pilates sessions my mood was completely lifted and a new horizon appeared. I knew that this was something that I needed to continue to do for the health my body and also my mind. Its incredible to see these little-known Pilates benefits have such a big impact.


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